Contracted Phase II (2015) Web-Dl 720p Free Download
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Contracted Phase II (2015) Web-Dl 720p Free Download
Riley searches for a cure to the virus that took over Samantha before it consumes him and the entire world.
Director: Josh Forbes
Writer: Craig Walendziak
Stars: Matt Mercer, Marianna Palka, Morgan Peter Brown | See full cast and crew �
Riley searches for a cure to the virus that took over Samantha before it consumes him and the entire world.
User Reviews
I kindasorta liked Contracted... mostly for how the main character dealt, or didn't deal, with her condition. She was an interesting if not admirable character. In this second one the protagonist is a guy who is much less interesting and faced with the inevitable snaps into hero mode and tries to track down the man who started the disease. The problem is, that's the whole story... there's nothing else going on and none of it is interesting or surprising. There are a few other characters along the way but they're mostly just there to provide more gross out moments (can't have the main character going zombie on us too soon...). It did seem decidedly more gory than the first one... but a lot of that gore seemed absurdly excessive whereas in the original it was more subtle and disturbing, here it was almost comic. Also, why does he keep finding worms inside himself... it's not like worms spontaneously generate in corpses... flies and such have to lay eggs and... well, it's a process that seems to be skipped here in favor of having crawly things just show up under his skin.
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