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Poltergeist Activity (2015) 720p Web-Dl Free Download A father and daughter encounter unexplainable occurrences and frightening visions in t...

Poltergeist Activity (2015) 720p Web-Dl Free Download

A father and daughter encounter unexplainable occurrences and frightening visions in their new home.

Director: Andrew Jones
Writer: Andrew Jones
Stars: Lee Bane, Natalie Martins, Judith Haley | See full cast and crew �


After the death of his wife, David Prescott moves to a secluded farmhouse in a Welsh village with teenage daughter Katherine. A stressful, upsetting time is soon made all the worse when they encounter unexplained occurrences and frightening visions in their new home. Desperate for answers, David turns to retired paranormal investigator Hans Voltz who must rediscover all of his skill and spiritual strength to defeat the spectral menace.


I am not sure why this movie is rated so low. It isn't anything particularly special, but it is worth a watch.

This genre rarely produces any great movies anymore that haven't already been done a dozen different ways. This movie is one of those, but it isn't corny either!

It is creepy, but not really scary.

The young female lead is pretty well acted, certainly much better than the father role.

I would say that for my $2.50 rental fee it wasn't a waste of time. I generally fast-forward through most of the horror films released these days, but didn't need to do that with this film.


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